On today’s podcast episode I talk about finding private lenders.
One of the biggest misconceptions that new real estate investors have is that they think finding private lenders is difficult.
It’s not difficult, in fact there are literally trillions of dollars sitting in people’s checking accounts, money market accounts and savings accounts.
The trick is persuading people with money to lend their money to you. Private lenders will need to know you, like you and trust you. But they will also need to feel confident that you know what you are doing and that they are going to get their money back and not lose any money.
And the best way to get them to feel confident in you is for them to watch you over time doing deals and borrowing from private lenders and hard money lenders. Once they feel confident in your ability, they will be willing to lend you money to buy real estate.
If you are brand new to real estate and want to learn more about how to wholesale real estate and flip houses then please register for the free wholesaling real estate training at this link below:
If you want to learn how to fix and flip houses I have a fix and flip training webinar at this link: